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The Heart of the Mystic 

~Embodying Our Direct Connection to Spirit~

November 16-19th, 2023


Join Karuna & Paul Erickson and Robin Flynn & Darcy Kopas for a healing retreat embodying the Mystical Heart.


In this intimate circle, we will be weaving multiple strands of lineage and practice to

co-create the opportunity to authentically awaken and heal.

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The Heart of the Mystic Retreat is inspired by the perennial wisdom of Buddhism, Yoga practice and philosophy, Andean and Earth Honouring Ceremonial Wisdom, and Divine Feminine Mystery School Teachings.


Each lineage of practice that we will be exploring has found a unique path to the Universal Heart, expressing an aspect of the timeless wisdom that lives within each one of us. This wisdom that lives within can be directly realized in order to heal, awaken, and evolve all that we truly are.


A single uniting wisdom and love emanates: from the teachings of the Buddha, the ancient prayers of the Kabbalah, the ecstasy of the Sufis, the reverent ceremonies of the Andes, to the true teachings of the Christian mystics, and the many forms of Yoga.


The Mystical Heart knows that what unites us is always greater than what divides us.

Loving awareness transcends all illusions of separateness.

At the core of every mystical tradition lives the eternal heart of truth and love.

This is not an idea or a philosophy, but a lived experience that we realize directly.

Our unity is the reality that is eternal and everlasting.

It is our true essential nature.


Many spiritual paths and healing modalities address the surface of being - but the mystic goes to the root, the radical core, the heart - not to “know” the truth but to be and live the truth.


This is the direct path of awakening to Spirit within all that is. In this circle, we will uncover and bring forth this living wisdom from deep within each of our hearts.


As Hafiz wrote,  “How did the rose ever open its heart, and give to this world all its beauty? It felt the encouragement of light against its being, otherwise, we all remain too frightened.” 


Your Tuition Includes:


  • Four days and three nights of focused teachings and practices

  • Yoga and meditation teachings and practices to Awaken the Mystical Heart within each of us

  • One Kamasqa Curandero Heart Medicine Ceremony

  • Sacred Council

  • Teachings and practices of planetary healing rituals of the Andes

  • Sacred songs, restorative movement, dance, and shamanic energy practices

  • Skilled, experienced, and kind facilitators

  • Private mentorship call to prepare for the event (if requested)

  • Link to video and teachings about the Heart Medicine Ceremony

  • Integration support through 1 follow-up group Zoom call and individual support where needed

  • Full access to beach, cedar hot tub, and sauna

Retreat Tuition - $985 CAD

Please note that lodging and food costs will be paid directly to the Sentinel Retreat Centre

and they will contact you once you have registered with us. 


Delicious & Fresh Meals made by the Sentinel Chefs:

  • $220/person


  • $240/night Private King Room (ideal for couples only!)

  • $185/night private (2 Queen rooms available with exterior bathroom) 1 Queen rooms in the Maloca | 1 in Main Lodge

  • $125/night The Nook (Double bed with exterior bathroom)

  • $120/night - shared twin (only 6 twin rooms available)

  • $90 per person per night - glamping (shared sunroom - max. 4 people)



Retreat Schedule


Thursday, November 16th


9-9:30 am  Arrival 

10-12 pm   Opening Circle

12-1 pm     Lunch

1-6 pm      Heart Yoga & Meditation by Karuna & Paul

6:00 pm    Dinner


Optional Bodywork Sessions Available


Evening of Rest & Relaxation


Friday, November 17th


A Day of Kamasqa Curandero Heart Medicine Ceremony 

Facilitated by Darcy & Robin


Mid Evening Dinner


Saturday, November 18th


8:30-9:30 am   Smoothies & Tea

9:30-11:30 am  Heart Yoga and Meditation 

11:30 am          Brunch

12:30-3:30 pm  Ceremony Integration Circle

3:30-7:30 pm   Personal Integration, Bodywork, Flowerbaths, and spa time

6:00 pm          Dinner


Evening Rest


Sunday, November 19th


8-9am          Breakfast

9-12 pm        Closing Circle

12:30 pm       Departure


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“Hear from the heart wordless mysteries…

In our hearts there burns a fire 

That burns all veils to their root and foundation.

When the veils have burned away

Then the heart will understand completely

Ancient love will unfold everfresh forms

In the core of the heart,

In the heart of the spirit."


Gratitude to Pauline Saade of for some of the amazing photos on this site.

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